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Sunak the sneaky snake.
5 July 2022 : Rishi Sunak resigned as chancellor of the exchequer.
6 July 2022 : ready4rishi.com domain registered on goDaddy [[ https://www.whois.com/whois/ready4rishi.com ]] the day BEFORE Johnson steps down.
7 July 2022 : Boris Johnson "resigns"... Well sort of.
8 July 2022 : Rishi Sunak announces he is running for Prime Minister.
8 July 2022 : launches the ready4rishi.com website.
So far there's nothing unusual about that UNTIL...
23 Dec 2021 : readyforrishi.com is registered on goDaddy [[ https://www.whois.com/whois/readyforrishi.com ]]
Maybe it's just a coincidence but readyforrishi.com redirects to ready4rishi.com thus ending the coincidence theory. A redirect means you can have lots of domain names that, when typed into a web browser, redirect to the main site. It looks like readyforrishi was probably set up as either a development platform in advance of ready4rishi launching OR someone pointed out that they need a domain name registered AFTER Johnson resigned. Either way, it's all a bit dodgy.
Sunak appears to have been preparing for his leadership challenge for 6 months which is pretty sneaky and shows his true character. Another Conservative conman showing contempt for the people he needs to elect him BUT that's not exactly true. As the public isn't allowed to vote for Sunak we have to assume that those who REALLY run the country have decided in advance who they want as a leader.
That doesn't mean he will win the vote from the Conservative membership. It does mean that he can't be trusted. Sunak was a major figure in the Government that destroyed our economy and is now telling us he can fix it. Seriously!
It is clear that he has plotted against Johnson, potentially undermining Johnson on fiscal policy to make him look incompetent.
It's pretty much the same gaslighting technique they use in Scotland. Give them just enough power to make it look like they are in control, then attack them when things go wrong, knowing full well that you have tied their hands financially. Sunak has done to Johnson what the tories are doing to Scotland.
Sunak the sneaky snake. Never trust a Tory.