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Right to Buy - A right to destroy communities and local economies
The Tories are promising to build more council houses BUT they can be sold in 10 - 15 years.
Right to buy was disgrace that sold everyone short. We now have family homes that are occupied by right to buy pensioners. They needed those houses when they were young and had families and now they deprive other families of the same happiness a good family home can provide.
Schools have suffered in those areas as people can't afford to live there and if they can, they can't afford kids as they both have to work just to afford a home.
The local economy suffers as smaller households require less resources. Shops close, Less local employment, less income generated for local community causes. Amenities that make areas attractive to families such as libraries, schools, Swimming Pools, playparks community centres etc are forced to close. The very things that made people buy their council houses in the first place have gone and they are stuck with houses that don't have their real selling potential anymore as the area has nothing to offer
To sell social housing Is a false economy. Society is fragmented now, communities no longer exist in the way they used to. Families don't live in the same areas anymore yet the government expect families to care for each other as if we all lived around the corner from each other. Grandparents can look after the grandchildren so their children can work and children can care for their elderly parents. Hardly feasable if they live at opposite ends of the city
Meanwhile the government slashes social care budgets and school budgets, all for the short term gain for selling a house. The long term benefits of social housing and real communities have to outweigh the greed of the few.
This is not the country people I talk to want to live in
Just Saying...
News Source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2017-39911569