Category: "News & Politics"
The Great Repeal Bill Confusion
March 30th, 2017The great repeal bill will be published today. The bill will bring EU laws into UK law and will be triggered when the UK finally leaves the EU. This makes sense as some laws will need tweaked to be UK specific. The problem is the Government aren't really clear what this means. Brexit Secretary David Davis speaking on Sky News said,
"We take all the European Law that exists on the last day and put it into British law so that British courts and the British Parliament in the future can change it if they so wish"
He then went on to say "we won't be changing any of the laws that we put in"
Then he said "you can't just change 40 years in 2 years and to give us the time over the coming years to change anything we want to. We won't want to change everything, there are lots of parts of European law that are good and parts that we approve of but there will be things we want to put right."
So within a few seconds he went from "change it if they so wish" to "we won't be changing any of the laws that we put in" then to "change anything we want to", confused yet?
My biggest worry is this. As an example, the Government has promised to protect workers rights when it is returned to Westminster but the confusion of David Davis in under 30 seconds doesn't give me much hope. Will they?, won't they? or will there be another twist? Who knows?
All I know is we need to all be wary of what they tell us. Article 50 has been triggered and we are now left to the mercy of this right wing tory party who want nothing more that to conrtol more of our lives. The Brexit decision is irreversible and the EU now won't be there to save us this Tory dictatorship.
Just Saying...
Snoopers Charter Back On The Menu
March 26th, 2017Home secretary Amber Rudd and the Tory Media have wasted no time in reopening their "we want to spy on everyone" campaign again.
Amber Rudd commenting on the premise that the Westminster attacker used whatsapp moments before the attack said
"It is absurd to have a situation where terrorists are talking to each other on formal platform and it can't be accessed. I need to find a solution with them for that." and "It used to be that people would steam-open envelopes or just listen in on phones when they wanted to find out what people were doing, legally, through warrantry. But on this situation we need to make sure that our intelligence services have the ability to get into situations like encrypted WhatsApp."
Here's my first problem,
How did they know he was using WhatsApp? If he used WhatsApp just before the attack then he must have had a mobile phone. If they found his phone why don't they just turn it on and read his messages as they are unencrypted on his phone. Maybe his pin lock was too complicated to bypass.
Here's my 2nd problem,
If he never had a mobile phone how do they know he was using WhatsApp?
Why don't the government just ask the Daily Mirror as they seem to know what was in the messages "Secret text message ordered the 'lone wolf' to carry out London terror attack" ( )
Then you have nonsense from the Daily Mail, Google, The Terrorists Friend ( )
Seriously though, if this is the level of journalism and Government knowledge then we are all in serious trouble.
I am no expert but you don't have to be to know that the media and the government are working hand in hand to force through their snoopers charter on the back of innocent lives that were lost. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
As I said, I'm no expert so here's my logic. I've already covered the mobile phone issue but just think about this logically for a minute.
The Daily Mail blame Google but I saw the BBC News and Sky News and ITV News report on the similar attacks in Nice and Berlin.
The Suns front page after the attack in Berlin even drew an arrow to show the route the truck took
Do I really need to use the internet to research how to pull off a terror attack? NO all I need to do is watch the News but I don't see the Government trying to ban that.
The 24 hour news channels go into minute detail on how to plan attacks and how terrorists could cover their tracks in order to squeeze every second of airtime they can just to keep people watching. We've all seen the news when something happens,
Presenter : "we have an eye witness on the phone, live from the airport where the incident took place, what can you tell me?"
Eye Witness : "well, I was just waiting to go on my holiday with my wife and 2 children when an announcement came over the tannoy saying to move outside until further notice"
Presenter : "Did you see anything?"
Eye Witness : "No"
Presenter : "Did you hear anything?"
Eye Witness : "No"
... and on it goes.
There was terrorism before the internet came along, using small ads to communicate etc but we never saw this sort of knee jerk reaction.
Imagine now if you will, WWII and the UK Government asking the Germans to give us a backdoor into their encryption because we don't know what they're doing. OK it sounds ridiculous in that context but it is exactly the same principle.
People used to plot and plan by meeting up in dark alleys, peoples houses, random pubs etc so do the Government want us all to be chipped, tracked and bugged just in case we do or say something bad? Who knows!!!
Untill they look seriously at the problem then they shouldn't be trusted to handle the problem with the respect it deserves.
Just Saying...